The hopeful fruit of our Teaching and Worshiping is Caring.
It was love that motivated God to send His Son to die for our sins, and we are commanded to love God with all our heart, soul and minds, and to then love our neighbors. It is our desire to meet the needs of people who are hurting and needing encouragement to turn to the only true source of help - Almightly God. We see caring as involving our outreach to the community through evangelism as well as our global outreach through the active support of foreign missionaries. We also seek to help members and neighbors find the Lord during times of trials in their lives.

Music is a vital tool in the worship of the Lord. At Faith there are a variety of musical opportunities and everyone is invited and encouraged to participate.
Congregational Singing – This is the primary ministry of music, involving all people.
Volunteer Choir – Anyone who desires to be part of the choir is invited to join. Practices are typically on Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m., just prior to the 6:00 p.m. evening service.
Specials – At each service the church tries to have special music, just before the sermon. Anyone who desires to be part of the special music rotation is invited to try out. The criteria for solos and groups is that the selection of music must be conservative and not similar to the sound of the world’s music.
Orchestra – We are currently building an orchestra to add to the specials at church. Anyone who plays an instrument and can even read music is invited to join the group. This group practices on Sunday afternoons at 4:30 p.m., just before the choir practice.
Patch Club Youth Program – Our elementary-aged ministry focuses on learning to read and perform God-honoring music. Typically, the young people prepare and perform songs throughout the calendar year.
Special Programs – The church seeks to honor the Lord’s special celebrations, Christmas and Easter, which special music or drama. Again, we invite anyone to join us and help in these celebrations.
" . . . worship Him in Spirit and in truth" - John 4:24
". . . teaching them to observe . . ." Matthew 28:19
"Go ye therefore and teach all nations . . ." Matt. 28:19

On the first Wednesday of each month the ladies and men divide into separate groups to consider and promote the missionary outreach of the Church. Guest speakers and mission projects are the highlight of each meeting as well as a specific time of prayer for missionaries supported by our church.
Some of the projects we have been involved in include:
Care Packages for College Students & Missionaries
Providing meals for service organizations and neighbors in nee
Building handicapped ramps
Maintaining regular contact with the church's missionaries
Generally anything to seek to help members and neighbors

The nursery program at Faith Baptist Church provides child educational services from birth through preschool. The nursery is available for all scheduled services. If parents do not have access to a cellphone to be contacted, a pager is provided which allows them to be notified if their child needs special parental attention. Every effort has been made to assure those using the nursery that their children will be safe and secure throughout the services. All of our nursery volunteers have completed a criminal background check.
The Faith Baptist Church nursery is not simply a babysitting service. Bible stories, songs and projects are designed to teach them about the Savior who died on the cross for their sins.