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Enrollment Information

Welcome to the Application Process for your family.  We look forward to working alongside of your family as you join the Faith Family.  Please find the steps for enrollment below.

Admission Steps

About the Enrollment Process

Learn more about the enrollment process.


Real students, in their own words, discuss Faith Christian School. 

Scholarship Opportunities

One of the most important fundamental values in the operation of Faith Christian School is the desire to keep Christian education affordable.  We are pleased to be able to offer some basic forms of scholarships.  A student can only receive one of the scholarships listed below.  Scholarships cannot be added on top of one another.

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NC Opportunity Scholarships

This is a scholarship that was established over 30 years ago by parents, former parents, grandparents and friends of Christian education. This is the first and longest running scholarship program for Christian education in Randolph County. Donations made to the CSA are applied directly and fully to the tuition needs of accepted families. The CSA also provides scholarship money for students who are planning to go into a Christian service program at a Christian college. This scholarship is awarded as funds are available. If you would like to apply for this scholarship/financial assistance, please click on the link and follow the instructions. It can take up to three weeks for an answer about the availability of the scholarship once the application is submitted. CSA scholarship is not funded by FCS and applications are reviewed by a service provider to determine need - Facts Grant & Aid Service. The first step in applying for the CSA Scholarship is to fully complete the “FACTS Grant & Aid” Application at this website: Once the FACTS Report is returned, the school will notify the family as to the next steps.

About the Enrichment Center

Learn more about the enrichment center.

Beulah Campus

Faith Christian school-Beulah is located at 8454 Howard Mill Road, Bennett, NC 27208. FCS serves K3 through 3rd grade on the Beulah campus. Our total enrollment is around 45 to 50 students in these grades. Faith Christian School/Beulah has been in operation since the fall of 2018 as a ministry of Faith Baptist Church and a partnership with Beulah Baptist Church. FCS is a traditional education school that emphasizes Biblical instruction with strong academic standards

Preschool FAQ

What ages do you accept?

We begin at 3 years old – early 5 years old (child must be the age of the class they are going into by August 31st).

Does my child need to be potty-trained to begin?

Yes. All students are required to be completely, independently potty trained before beginning.

Can I mix-match days and choose different days for my student to attend other than those offered?

No. Schedules cannot be altered and are set for consistency.

What are your hours of operation for full-day students?

We open at 7:00AM for drop-off to begin and we close at 4:00PM.

How are snacks and lunch provided?

Snacks and lunch are all provided by the preschool. Our lunches are provided by the school cafeteria to meet all the necessary needs of the required child meal patterns.

How many classrooms do you have?

We have a 3K Class and a 4K Class.

Do you have different schedule options?

Yes. We provide full time (Monday-Friday), 3 days - part time (Monday/Wednesday/Friday), 2 days - part time (Tuesday/Thursday), and half day schedules for these three options as well

What are the hours for those attending half-day schedules?

Half-day students may arrive at 7:00AM for drop-off to begin and are dismissed at 12:00PM.

Do you offer summer care or programs?

No. We follow the calendar of Faith Christian School. We open in August when the school opens, and we close for the summer in May when the school closes.

What is the structure difference of preschool versus a daycare setting?

Preschool is more academic oriented and focused on a structured school setting preparing the young students for the expectations of kindergarten.

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