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Enrichment Room/Learning Center

Learning at Its Best

The Talent Development Center, more commonly known as the "Learning Center", was added to Faith's educational program in the fall of 1985 to help meet the needs of students who were struggling in the classroom. The philosophy, and hence the name, of the program is based on Matthew 25:14-30, the parable of the talents. Clearly, every Christian has the responsibility of fully developing the abilities God has given him that he might serve and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. The Talent Development program is designed to help meet this goal in the lives of students that need a more individualized program.

  • Serves 6th through 12th graders.

  • Students who are struggling are referred to the learning center by their classroom teachers.

  • These students are then tested/evaluated to determine academic need.

  • Here students work on materials at their academic level with individual or small group instruction. Some of these students have specific learning differences while others simply need the individualized instruction.

  • Additionally, some of the students receive extra help in their regular classes such as special study sheets and/or oral testing.

  • The Learning Center, on occasion, has also been a place for academically gifted students to work at an advanced level.

Again, the goal is to see each child develop his abilities to the fullest so that he might go on to serve God in whatever capacity that might be, whether it is into the work force or on to college.

Helping Young Eagles Soar

As Elementary class sizes grew in recent years, the need for learning assistance grew as well in the elementary grades. Faith started the Enrichment Room to serve the needs of elementary students. The Enrichment Room is a welcoming place for young learners who may have some academic challenges. The Enrichment Room serves our student in the following ways.

  • ER serves K5 through 5th grade students.

  • ER is our guided reading headquarters for the elementary that serves all elementary students. Our Reading specialist tracks the reading growth of each of our elementary students throughout the year.

  • Students with academic needs are referred to the Enrichment Room.

  • After testing/evaluation, the students are placed on the appropriate level of their current academics.

  • Then the work begins to help the student reach their full potential with the hopeful goal to reach grade level proficiency.

  • The ER primarily works with students in the areas of Phonics, Reading and Math.

The Goal of the Enrichment Room is to help elementary students achieve their full potential in Phonics, Reading and Math. Faith Christian School has been blessed to be able to provide this service to our students and families.

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